Beta test open

As scheduled, the beta of the portfolio app is already uploaded to the mobile stores and the beta testing will start next Sunday, 10th April.
All of you who participated in the presale, have been granted access to the beta.
Also, if you hold 1 Gold, 3 Silver or 9 Bronze NFT, our script will detect it and send you a text transaction with instructions to access.
To sign up you need to send us your e-mail and verify your Algorand address:
Send us your e-mail using the contact form on this website, copying the Algorand account with which you participated in the presale, and commenting only "beta".
To be able to acces the beta system from google store, the e-mail you provide must be a "gmail" one for android, or an "apple id" for iphone. as they will need to be validated by the store. It's ok if you setup a new one just for this.
To verify you're the owner of the Algorand account linked to that e-mail, you will also need to send a zero algos transaction to our APF distribution account, with a text note writing only the first and last letter of your e-mail handle.
For example, if your e-mail is "", you would fill in our contact form with that e-mail, your public address, and then send a 0 algo transfer from that address to our address above, with a text note with the letters "s i".
On Sunday 10th of April, you will receive an email with the link to download the beta app and start testing.
We'll be most interested in the problems you find with the features already installed: portfolio tracker of any account and the latest variations in the price of every asset.
We know you all want a lot of features added, colors changed, things moved around, and many many more. We also want it all.
For now, though, we're interested in feedback from things that might not work correctly: if the app reacts slow or gets stuck after you paste an account, we want to know which account it was that crashed it. If the numbers are presented incorrectly with "," instead of "." etc, we'll want to know what phone you are using, what language region or culture it's set in, etc.
Beta testing is actually hard work, and for it to be effective we need you to give us a detailed report of any problem you find.
All feature or design suggestions and queries will be noted for a future stage but overlooked for now.
Thank you all very much for your help and implication in our project.